We simply live in and to patterns, almost as if we cannot or do not know otherwise. Patterns can be persistent and exist for decades. Resist patterns is a good recipe not to lose them. What helps is to face the truth and take it as it is. The change begins with a shift in the inner space from which we act. By recognizing, looking at and accepting patterns as they are, such a shift of inner place of action can occur. And with that sometimes something completely new.
Here is the latest science exploring the unseen source of self-organizing systems, resonance and the continuously emerging reality of a deeply connected universe. In systemic constellation work, this phenomenon is frequently referred to as the Field.
“What if you were connected to everyone in the world.
How would your life change?
What if you could see the patterns? Family Constellations offers you to see the patterns that were not created by you but are now carried out in your life through you. Come along with me and I will assist you in decoding the patterns and set you into freedom you have maybe never experienced.
See beauty.
New ideas in science deepen your connection to nature, to the stars and to each other.
Learn to see the world differently.”